10 Tipps for a successful Bo-Training on your own

  1. Find the right Bo to start your personal training. If you have a low ceiling use a shorter version of a Bo like a Yonshaku-Bo.
  2. Set up a room in your flat or house, in your garage and also find alternative ways where you can realize starting your personal Bo-training. For example in a friendly sports club etc.
  3. Create an atmosphere of a Dojo by putting mats on the floor, hanging pictures, posters, or Japanese kanji on the wall. 
  4. Install lights that you can customize depending on your needs for example during relaxation phases after a hard workout.
  5. Begin your training by following the online lessons. Attend the class videos of each level.
  6. Invite a family member or a friend and train together. Come together with your peers, train and interact together by a Zoom-Meeting - It works fine and makes fun! 
  7. Create a personal training schedule parallel to your online course. So you can combine and deepen your personal favorites in addition to the online study. 
  8. Write a Journal to track your progress and to find out your personal improvements. 
  9. Find a place to realize your training outdoors parallel to your home training to get a feeling for the long weapon.
  10. Expand your knowledge by reading Books about Kobudo, learn the History behind this Martial Art, the Japanese names of stances, the techniques, etc.

Make a Plan

Succes is the sum of planned actions.


With a plan in your pocket, you have a well thought-out training process that you can adapt to your needs at any time. For certain days on which you have much time for training, create a fixed schedule that contains all the essential content. Your Training always should be based on a warm-up, a main training part and a cool-down at the end of your training. For some days when you don't have much time left, make a fixed quickly workout-routine or do some repetitios of a Kata in such days. So you keep moving.

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